
Hi! I am Marco Lilliu, artist based in London.

Welcome to this wordpress blog, where I collect my yearly inktober.

If you want to know more about me, please visit my website www.marcolilliu.com

I am the guy that walks in the picture underneath (not the guy that works on the right) – picture by Mattia Barbotti10703582_10205062215059242_314681187004814138_n

41 thoughts on “About

  1. marco…(i hope you don;t mind me addressing with your first name..it’s general courtesy in where i come from).. nice blog..! all you artists make me very very inspired..someday i hope to dress my blog with my own works too >.< great header image…very italiano indeed!


  2. Hello Marco thank you for visiting and appreciating my blog, I find your sketches edgy and intriguing. Looking forward hearing from you 🙂


  3. Congratulations! you are the first person to follow my blog, to show my appreciation I would like to send you a Red Envelope (because it’s the Chinese New Year soon and by send I meant physically).
    And with your permission I would like to link you to my networking page as a fellow artist (your gestural fantasy style is very spontaneous and an exciting to look at).
    Thanks Again!


    1. Thank you so much!!! you have my permession!!! I really like your sketches and I’m honored to be the first your follower!!! 😀


      1. Awesome!
        If you really want to take up the Red Envelope offer you can message me your address on my contacts page, I assure you I’m not a robot.
        Is there a piece of work you want me to feature on my Networking page? (it’s not up yet, but soon, I’ll inform you when its up)


  4. Hi Marco, thanks for visiting and following my blog. Like your style… particularly that Iron Man shirt. Hope to see more here!


    1. Thank you so much!!! No, I’m not working with the iPad but only with photoshop and illustrator, and my graphic pen!!! 😀


  5. Thank you for the recent follow of my blog, it means alot with me trying to get noticed and slowly over time spread the work i’m working on. You have a really nice blog as well Marco, keep up the good work fella


  6. Hi there,
    Thank you for following midlifewanderlust1965.wordpress.com.
    All the latest content is now posted on midlifewanderlust1965.com. Please come over and follow me there.


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